Crypto Cash review – Is it a scam or legit?

Crypto Cash LogoWhen we talk about current financial topics, you start hearing about the effect of cryptocurrencies within it. With the emergence of these, we can say that we have entered a new monetary phase that little by little is gaining momentum and strength.

Being Bitcoin the pioneer currency in this market, it is not surprising that thousands of people interested in making money in a dishonest and easy way emerge: a single Bitcoin has a huge value, therefore, it is easy to find people willing to steal or scam.

Fortunately for us, the blockchain system of cryptocurrencies prevents them from being stolen or duplicated unless we voluntarily make a transfer to another person, which reduces the current market to frauds and scams. With the weak point of cryptocurrency being “the user”, people will seek to trick users into being the ones to help scammers produce money.

Among the many scams found on the Internet, one of the most obvious and well known is the famous Crypto Cash!

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What is Crypto Cash?

Crypto Cash Fake

Crypto Cash is advertised as a super attractive miracle app for anyone who has no experience with the world of cryptocurrencies. Many of us have seen millions of people become millionaires through trading, but few of us know that it takes time and experience: no one gets rich overnight.

Crypto Cash comes offering to these new users, the possibility to multiply their initial deposit (the minimum is 250 euros) in a single day x2, besides offering to become a millionaire in just a few months.

The offer is totally derisory and it is easily noticed that it is a fraud: when you know how these types of programs work, you can clearly determine the scam.

How does Crypto Cash work?

Crypto Cash claims to work in an attractive way using the general concept that everyone has about trading.

First of all, the user is attracted by one of the different banners or ads on the website where the application is promoted. When the user clicks on it, he is redirected to your home page.

Inside the main page we can notice a lot of positive information about the application. We can find:

  • Testimonials indicating the good things about the application
  • Photos of people who are traveling or buying luxuries thanks to the application
  • Videos with important people and influencers asserting the goodness of cryptocurrencies
  • Affirmations and data indicating how the money will grow

The truth is that the page is quite attractive. The main claim shows a program that has more than 97% effectiveness in trading, which ensures to multiply your money immediately at a rate of double per day.

After examining the page, upon registration we are redirected to a place where we are asked to make a deposit. This initial deposit symbolizes our capital, with which the page will start working little by little making the necessary purchases and sales to multiply the money. Once the process starts, the program will display the data of the transactions made during the day, showing how the money has grown.

How does the Crypto Cash scam work?

When we learn how the app really works, its whole lie falls apart. The application was clearly reviewed and the first thing that can be noticed is that it does not have an algorithm: in short, it does not follow determined steps of any kind, it only pretends to perform random purchases and sales.

After that, we can notice that your statement is totally false. The most experienced traders in the world have proven that reaching the trading effectiveness that Crypto Cash claims to have is totally impossible. Currently, there is no type of machine or program that can perform this type of procedures.

Once we know this, we can see how the fraud is executed: The page asks for an initial deposit of a minimum of 250 euros. The deposit goes directly to an account of the owners of the site, and after that, the site pretends to be working with the money.

On a daily basis, it will throw an infinity of false data showing that the money is multiplying, such data indicating how the earnings are accumulating.

However, the problem comes when it comes to withdrawing the winnings. The site will always give excuses when it comes to withdrawals or simply refuse to allow them to be withdrawn. Customer support tends not to respond and when they do, they leave users with inconclusive doubts about what is going on, while in some cases they blame the banking institutions through which we withdraw our winnings.

The truth is that the money cannot be withdrawn, and users can mostly write it off as lost.

What evidence is there that it is a scam?

Without going too far, the first sign of scam is in their banners. The banners or the main page differ from the name of the application usually. We can find the names: Bitcoin Revolution, Bitcoin Evolution, Crypto Revolt, Bitcoin Trader, and many more. Each of these applications offer the same as Crypto Cash, and the most illogical thing is that all their banners redirect to the same place: the page where the scams are performed.

Following that, come the referrals. On their home page we can see thousands of positive comments regarding their application: all of them indicate how many people went from low profits to over 13,000 euros per day (something irrational). The truth is that the page is very well structured to capture attention and convince everyone that thousands of people become millionaires every day. But when we go to opinion forums on the net, everything is very different.

Thousands of people complain about scams or look for various solutions to get their money back. They indicate how they were scammed and also indicate that it is impossible for them to withdraw the money from their account. In general, the comments are totally negative and opposite to what they pretend to offer on their page.

Finally, there are the images on the main page. Several of the images are simply taken from somewhere else and placed in such a way that they seem to refer to the successful people on the site. Even, the videos with important people when detailed, we can notice that at no time indicate that you should use the page, only indicate that the Bitcoin are positive. With a bit of tidying up, and stating the Crypto Cash site, they make it seem like they are talking positively about them.

Overall, they are a total scam from which we can only save ourselves, by not making any deposits.

What solutions can we find on the web?

The ideal solution to be able to put an end to scams on the web is to go to a reliable trading site and gradually learn the trade. Although there are thousands of trading websites out there, one of the most reliable is currently eToro.

In addition to being reliable, eToro is very friendly to new users in the field of cryptocurrencies. Being a site whose profit is linked to transaction commissions, it seeks that users learn the art of trading so that they can make several transactions. Therefore, they offer basic, intermediate and advanced courses for everyone on their platform.

In addition, they are not completely limited to Bitcoin. In case you want to make extra investments, eToro offers investments in many other cryptocurrencies, stock and shares. They teach that variety is important in trading and instruct users to improve.

The profit linked to the site comes from the time each user spends learning. Overnight profits do not exist, but once the user builds his initial knowledge within eToro, he can easily multiply his money exponentially, and thus reach the financial independence he is looking for.

eToro has a very friendly and extensive community. You can check out the community in the forums and note the pleasant experience that many users have, giving the site an unrivaled reputation. You will never encounter any problems when withdrawing your profits, and you will be able to access them whenever you want.

Finally, eToro does not require an initial deposit. The money is linked to the capacity and taste of the user who will invest, therefore, it is up to him the amount of money that will be taken as capital. However, unlike those fraud sites, the invested capital will be kept within the site’s portfolio and can be withdrawn at any time without resorting to excuses, deception or irresponsible customer support. Any user can dispose of their money as they choose, which makes eToro one of the most reliable trading sites.