Bitcoin Cycle – Is it scam or legit? Test and review!

Logo Bitcoin CycleEvery day more and more people are trying to enter the world of cryptocurrency trading, as we see that it is booming, we are interested not only to know what is happening with this market, but also investing a little money seems quite tempting to us.

But, like any trading platform, it is important to start step by step, assessing the decisions we could make to start investing successfully and not lose our investment quickly.

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Welcome to the Bitcoin Cycle scam – Is it a con?

Register Bitcoin CycleBecause of the need to make money fast, many people take advantage of others, making them promises that sound tempting, yet a bit unrealistic at the same time. This is how little by little all these websites are beginning to emerge that are responsible for taking the fraud and scam of stealing money from many from the comfort of their home to a new level.

These websites are quite common, and today we will talk about the Bitcoin Cycle scam.

But it’s not all bad news, because if you are really interested in investing in Bitcoin, we will give you a very interesting fact about serious apps like eToro.

What is Bitcoin Cycle?

As I mentioned earlier, Bitcoin Cycle is one of those websites where all its users are promised to multiply all their earnings exponentially, and the best thing about it is that all you have to do is sign up and that’s it.
This proposal is quite good, although if you analyse it in more detail, it sounds a bit imaginary, because, you have to think that there is no magic formula to multiply your money in a few hours, and much less if you have no real knowledge of what happens in this whole world of cryptocurrencies.

But for Bitcoin Cycle it’s not important that you have any idea what you’re doing, you just need to get comfortable, hand over your investment to them and they will take care of everything else without any problems.

How does Bitcoin Cycle work?

Bitcoin Cycle is defined as a broker website that has a group of cryptocurrency experts who are responsible for sharing all their knowledge with their users so that they can become millionaires in a matter of hours.

Bitcoin Cycle introduces users to this world with a really well-crafted discourse, which contains a bit of truth, since it is true that when you start you will need the support of an expert in this type of digital finance.

However, they warn you that this knowledge is not shared for free, but that these brokers charge quite a high fee in order to help you fulfil your desire to successfully invest in cryptocurrencies, but this issue should not worry you anymore if you try Bitcoin Cycle (according to them).

They offer a completely free consultancy service for you, where not only will you have time to take care of many things outside of digital trading, but they will also at all times be trading with your money in the most successful way.

What are Bitcoin Cycle’s (false) promises to its users?

  • Expertise: First of all, Bitcoin Cycle will give you the opportunity to nurture yourself with the expertise of their group of professionals, so this enticing reason already invites you to consider them, especially if you are a person inexperienced in the subject and in need of help.
  • Knowledge: Obviously, if you’re turning to such a site, it means you have no idea how to operate in this digital cryptocurrency market, so some help wouldn’t hurt. But the help comes with strings attached, and you don’t set them, they will give you some of their “knowledge” if you accept all of them.
  • Earning money for what you want: Another premise that is embedded in the list of arguments for why you should try them out is that the money they will earn for you will be based on a goal you set, meaning that if you have a desire to acquire something in a short or long time, they will decide how they will operate and at what pace.
  • You will have everything you want in a simple way: You don’t even have to be an expert handling this App, you just have to trust complete strangers to play with your money as they please, or rather, their software will do it for them.

Bitcoin Cycle Robot Trader

Bitcoin Cycle Review

Like most of the Apps dedicated to the cryptocurrency market, Bitcoin Cycle also talks about a software that predicts market behaviour and tries to make the least risky decisions.

For some people it is enough to hear this to trust, as it seems to give them more security in this way of trading, and this is not bad.

So what is wrong with Bitcoin Cycle’s software? Well, first of all you have to understand that it was created to steal your money. You can easily check this out, as there is no reputation rating for this app, meaning that user feedback is virtually non-existent, however, those who have fallen victim to the scam have taken it upon themselves to immortalise their opinion of it.

What is wrong with the Bitcoin Cycle software is that it has been created to take your investment, and that it makes decisions regarding your money without even consulting you, i.e. you only have the illusion of control over your money.

Why should I never invest with Bitcoin Cycle?

Why should I never invest with Bitcoin Cycle?

  • They set the limits on the minimum investment amount.
  • The software doesn’t just predict market behaviour, it makes all the decisions for you.
  • They tell you that you don’t need to monitor the application often, so you won’t have the ability to cancel trades whenever you want.
  • The less knowledge the user has, the more profitable it is for them.
  • They don’t really care about your interests, only theirs.
  • Once you are a victim of the scam, you do not have the possibility to make any claims.

These are the main reasons why you should not trust this website, apart from that they do not have a good reputation, as those who have fallen victim to this system have only managed to raise their voice through the web, but their money has been lost in someone else’s account.

If you have a genuine desire to learn how to invest in cryptocurrencies, it would be best to join the community of sites that do have a proven reputation, such as eToro, and where you are offered many more benefits.

What is eToro and why does it have such a good reputation?

eToro is an App that deals with cryptocurrency trading, not just Bitcoin. On this website you are offered the possibility to invest in the digital currency of your choice, i.e. they do not impose only one type of currency on you, but you can invest according to your interests.
On eToro’s website you will meet with professional digital traders, whose main goal is to keep pushing the exciting and innovative cryptocurrency market forward.

Here you can find the expertise you need to become an expert in digital finance, because eToro, unlike any other site, offers you the possibility to learn by yourself, i.e. they will not take care of everything, because their goal is to continue to train experts in the field.

Perhaps this is why they have such an excellent reputation among their users and why everyone is so happy to use their services.

Advantages of trading through eToro

  • Not a scam: eToro has a verifiable reputation, which is why this app has become a favourite among many people, experienced or inexperienced.
  • They teach you: At eToro the premise of “we do everything for you” does not exist. They will guide you in a practical way, but they will also make sure that you acquire the necessary knowledge to navigate this site in a safe and practical way.
  • You are in control of your money: I think this is one of the main attractions of eToro, and that is that you can be sure that your money is under your control, meaning that no one will be risking your money without consulting you first, all these trades will be manual.
  • No false promises: From this app you will not hear things like: we can fulfil your dream of buying a house in months, or anything like that. eToro does not make promises to multiply your money magically.

There are many more reasons why there is a general opinion that eToro is the safest and most practical app to invest your money in cryptocurrencies, so if you intend to get started in digital trading, you better have an ally that is completely reliable and safe and does not play with your money and your time.